Axle Diameter

Spindle Dimensions

Roller Lengths

Roller Lengths Reference

0 mm

RG 1200 range of rollers incorporate greased, heavy duty bearings as perfect solution for your more demanding roller needs. Our zinc steel rollers come fitted with full complement bearings, making them suitable for heavier loads & extreme of . With a diameter range of 50mm to 80mm, the RG 1200 series is versatile enough for use in a variety of settings.

The RG 1200 series has been developed specifically for gravity conveyors and tracks, making them ideal for use in manual assembly lines, end-of-line packing, warehouses, pack houses, airports, and other equipment. With minimal effort required, these rollers are perfect for a wide range of applications.

Our RG 1200 rollers can be used for under belt applications, but they are perfect for manual and gravity conveyors and tracks or for when extremes of temperature is present. Their sturdy construction and efficient performance make them the ideal choice for general goods handling.


Load Rating

Operating Temperature

Material Options

End Bearings


RG 1200

Medium to Heavy

-20 to 120°C

BZP Mild Steel

Markes BZP Steel MTR .30 Greased

Roller conveyor systems, manual assembly lines, end of line packing, warehouses, and cold storage

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